Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mabry-Lynn 2 year old session

Mabry-Lynn is  my daughter and it is hard to believe she is already 2.  She has gotten pretty sassy and stubborn lately (hopefully it is just a phase) but wouldn't you if someone took away your paci and kept trying to get you to sit on a hard seat to potty in when diapers have so much more cushion.  Really think about it, we talk about the terrible two's, but who wouldn't be grouchy if in 2 short years you were expected to learn a language, learn to potty, feed yourself and give up some comforts you were given as a baby like a crib and pacifier.  It's not an easy life with a two year old or as a two year old, but oh at the adorable things they say and do that make a lasting memory.  The terrible two's have there challenges and some of the most rewarding moments in parenting.  Yes! (some nights I want to just put her in bed in a hurry and go do my work or even better to sleep), but I think how much longer will she want me to read her a book or cuddle in the rocking chair as we rock back and forth.  Not long enough, not long enough. Sniff.  So I will try to enjoy every blessed moment I have with this little 2 year old I often refer to as "stinker."